Steps in order

  1. Items needed
    1. Warm distilled water with just a drop of unscented dish washer soap solution
    2. Air blower, Cotton balls, Large plastic tub, soft cloth, kitchen paper towel
  2. Remove the mirror from telescope and cell (Not for 16 inch mirror)
  3. Blow light dust away with air pump
  4. Clean your hands like a surgeon
  5. Tilt mirror and pour distilled water
  6. Place in large bowl containing warm soap water and jiggle lightly before resting it over soft support at bottom
  7. Lightly run hand or cotton ball over mirror surface
  8. Remove from soap water and rinse multiple times with distilled water to get rid of residue
  9. Place tilted on hard surface, pump air and use soft paper towel and tap dry mirror surface
  10. Attach the mirror to telescope and collimate


Primary Mirror CLEANING tutorial... with FINGERS 😱 - NOT for the faint hearted!

8 inch mirror with light hand massage on mirror surface with silicon-dioxide coating

Cleaning the mirror of my 16" telescope

16 inch mirror cleaned in its cell

Cleaning Telescope Primary Mirror

20 inch mirror cleaned inside mount